Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Musings

~My kid does not want to sleep today. Its one of those "I am going to scream all day if you do not hold me" days!

~Cabin fever is getting to me. All the roads surrounding our neighborhood are still a skating rink. This is what we get for buying a house out in the middle of nowhere.

~I really just want Chic-fil-a. Do you think I can convince Jason to put his jeep into 4 wheel drive and go get me some?

~I painted our downstairs half bath yesterday. It took me over a year to complete this project and only took me 2 hours. I will post pictures once I hang some decorative items up.

~I seriously need to do some shopping. Going.through.withdrawl!
Maybe I can sneek some online purchases in without hubby knowing. I am thinking:

This necklace from this etsy site (of course with Colton James on it)

or this dress

~My kid is the cutest

Hope this week is a good one!


Taryn said...

aww- he is the cutest.

Good luck on the shopping- I know the feeling sometimes. But online shopping never fills the void like real shopping.

d.a.r. said...

Aw he is precious!! And that dress is lovely!

LWLH said...

He is the cutest and so is that necklace!